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Estate of Dale Irish Auction - Live Event
Auction Organizer:
Web Site:
Attica, MI 48412
759 N. Five Lakes Rd.
Sep 11, 2021 - Sep 11, 2021. Auction starts Saturday, September 11 at 10:00 AM
Rowley Auctions

Public Auction Information
Due to the passing of the late Dale Irish, the family has commissioned Rowley Auctions to conduct a Live Auction to liquidate his lifelong collections of classic vehicles, rare 1977 GMC Coca-Cola “Sweepstakes” motorhome, cars & trucks, tractors, motorcycles, trailers, tools, shop & garage equipment, engines & auto parts, firearms and much more! We would like to thank everybody in advance for participating and making plans to join us on Saturday, September 11 @ 10 AM for the start of this most interesting auction.
Auctioneer’s Note: Mr. Irish truly enjoyed working on cars and was an avid collector of classic cars. This auction represents that, don’t miss this auction! Large auction with two auctioneers selling throughout the day.
Inspection: Friday, September 10 (5 PM – 7 PM) & Auction Day at 8:30 AM
Unable to Make it to the Auction? Phone & Absentee Bids are Welcome Prior to Auction Day. Contact Office @ (810) 724-4035 or Office@RowleyAuctions.com.
Auctioneer’s Note: Mr. Irish truly enjoyed working on cars and was an avid collector of classic cars. This auction represents that, don’t miss this auction! Large auction with two auctioneers selling throughout the day.
Inspection: Friday, September 10 (5 PM – 7 PM) & Auction Day at 8:30 AM
Unable to Make it to the Auction? Phone & Absentee Bids are Welcome Prior to Auction Day. Contact Office @ (810) 724-4035 or Office@RowleyAuctions.com.