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Pontiac Judge Classic Car Auction - Online Only
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Omaha, NE 68152
9930 N 45th St
Jun 29, 2020 - Jul 13, 2020. Online auction begins to soft close: 7/13/2020 @ 2pm ET
Apple Towing Company

Public Auction Information
Online-Only Auction: Date(s) 6/29/2020 - 7/13/2020
Online bidding begins: 6/29/2020 @ 2pm ET. Online auction begins to soft close: 7/13/2020 @ 2pm ET. A "soft close" means if any bid is placed within the last 3 minutes at the close of the auction, the bid will automatically extend the closing time an additional 3 min.
Preview Date/Time - 7/10/2020 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY DUE TO COVID-19 VIRUS. ATTENDANTS MUST WEAR MASKS. Location: Ponca Storage - 9930 N 45th St, Omaha, NE 68152. Call 713-600-7790 to schedule appt.
Checkout Date/Time Begins after final approval is obtained from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as Receiver for Ericson State Bank. Please wait to be contacted via email with the approval prior to arranging payment. Please check your email periodically after auction closing.
Location Omaha, NE 68152
Buyer Premium No Buyer's Premium
Description - Apple Towing Co | Apple Auctioneering Co is conducting an online auction with reserve on behalf of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as Receiver for Ericson State Bank. All participants in this sale are responsible to read, understand, and comply with the terms of sale as specified herein and agree to be bound thereby.
Online bidding begins: 6/29/2020 @ 2pm ET. Online auction begins to soft close: 7/13/2020 @ 2pm ET. A "soft close" means if any bid is placed within the last 3 minutes at the close of the auction, the bid will automatically extend the closing time an additional 3 min.
Preview Date/Time - 7/10/2020 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY DUE TO COVID-19 VIRUS. ATTENDANTS MUST WEAR MASKS. Location: Ponca Storage - 9930 N 45th St, Omaha, NE 68152. Call 713-600-7790 to schedule appt.
Checkout Date/Time Begins after final approval is obtained from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as Receiver for Ericson State Bank. Please wait to be contacted via email with the approval prior to arranging payment. Please check your email periodically after auction closing.
Location Omaha, NE 68152
Buyer Premium No Buyer's Premium
Description - Apple Towing Co | Apple Auctioneering Co is conducting an online auction with reserve on behalf of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as Receiver for Ericson State Bank. All participants in this sale are responsible to read, understand, and comply with the terms of sale as specified herein and agree to be bound thereby.