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Jun 28, 2020
Jul 18, 2020. Open house details
The Jim Gesswein MOPAR Classic Car collection Auction-
Auction Organizer:
Web Site:
Milbank, SD 57252
802 S Dakota St
Jun 28, 2020
Jul 18, 2020. Open house details
Preview will be available July 17th, 2020 from 10 to 5PM. Or call for Appointment.
Vanderbrink Auctions

Public Auction Information
Jim Gesswein has been collecting cars for over 59 years. He owns and operates Gesswein Motors a Ram Dealership in Milbank, South Dakota. Gesswein Motors has been serving Happy customers around the world for over 45 years and still selling RAM, Dodge, and Jeep vehicles. Jim said that he was a collector “whenever a pretty car” came around. Over the years, Jim has accumulated a collection of Plymouth, Dodge, Imperial, and Chrysler collector cars. He has decided to offer his collection at auction. Plan now to attend or bid online on this amazing assortment of MOPAR collector cars. Onsite LIVE Auction with Online Bidding.
Some vehicles offered with reserve.
Some vehicles offered with reserve.